Liv, firstly I must thank you for sharing with us your experiences through public school and post-secondary education. We seemingly had similar experiences! Having teachers who are passionate about learning is essential for students’ success. Between our two stories, I find similarities and wonder if the reason our passionate teachers were successful was not only because of their excitement for the topic they were teaching, but because they were willing to learn new things when we were interested. Throughout this past year in the education program, I have found the importance of being a flexible teacher and promoting inquiry in the classroom. Our lesson plans may not always get the students thinking about what we hoped for, but if they are asking questions and finding interest in similar topics, we are lucky to follow their ideas and support them in finding the answers. Humility is key. Arrogant, know it all teachers rarely are respected by their students nor find success in teaching. Teachers with humility allow their students to learn alongside them. Be a guide on the side, not a sage on the stage.