Sound walk/ride with @ms.justynmackie 🐴

Horse prancing
Dogs running
Sticks cracking
Rain drops on leaves
Wind in the trees
Hooves clicking
Dude Nickering
Ashley laughing
Camera snapping

Alright, I’ll admit it, I am terrible at finding a “sit-spot”. It’s ever moving, ever changing, and to be COMPLETELY honest, I am usually not sitting. I enjoy moving, horse back riding, running, or just wondering. I find I can’t focus on my surroundings when I am sitting, instead I end up distracted by my thoughts. So I am learning to be even more in tune with my walks and rides.

I loved this activity because it made me tune into my surrounding and enjoy the ride so much more. After a big rain, this ride provided the opportunity to listen as the water fell through the trees and bushes and disrupted the resting plants. Sound Mapping would be beneficial at any age group especially with its relation to the core competencies. Students must stop and think about what they are listening to, identify the sound and where it’s coming from. Students express their diversity and uniqueness by bringing the different sounds they associated with the walk to the group. And students have the opportunity to communicate and collaborate within their class to create a sound map all of the students participated in.

Sound mapping can easily be adapted for all ages and grades to enjoy the outdoors and their surrounding environments!