Sam, when I read your blog I became caught on the idea of storytelling. In all this talk about multimedia I believe mny of us became caught on the idea of technology. By including storytelling into our lesson plans and teaching, we are not only using a new and engaging media, we are also connecting with the First Peoples Principles of Learning which implies storytelling is a key way of relating current day education with their traditions. In primary grades, fantastical stories are engaging and inspiring for students. They believe in each and every aspect of what they are hearing and they absorb everything they are hearing because the story triggers parts of their brain and becomes engraved in their memory. As if they themselves expereinced it, it’s fascinating! In the onlder ages, students wish to hear our stories. How do our travels, adventures, or lives relate to what they are learning? It makes what they are learning real and memorable. I wonder, if by asking the students to relate what they are learning to themselves, and to tell us those stories, if it would support the students in learningthe content at a deeper level.